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How do I opt-out of the automatic rollover for the Alpine Note?
How do I opt-out of the automatic rollover for the Alpine Note?
Updated over a week ago

Beginning in December 2022, all Alpine Note Series investment principal automatically rolls over into the next applicable Alpine Note Series. The amount that is reinvested into the next Alpine Note series automatically is inclusive of both the principal amount of the original note investment, and all interest accrued on this investment.

Note: Also beginning in December 2022, investors that are funded in Alpine Note Series investments have the opportunity to redeem their investments early in order to move funds into another investment on the platform. For more information, please click the EquityMultiple chat icon at the bottom-right of the screen.

Investors are able to opt-out of automatic reinvestments, or choose only to roll over principal, by updating your reinvestment elections at least 10 days prior to the investment's maturity.

Opt-Out Requests and Process

For each Alpine Note investment, as the maturity date of the investment approaches, our team will send you an email containing information related to your investment and a direct link to update your reinvestment elections. This email will serve as a reminder, notifying you of your option to opt-out of reinvestment.

From the link provided in the email, you will be able to do one of the following:

  1. Fully reinvest into the next Alpine Note.

  2. Reinvest a partial amount of your principal payment.

  3. Choose to reinvest your principal payment only.

The deadline to opt-out of reinvestment or update your elections is generally 10 days prior to the investment's maturity date— however, deadline dates are subject to change. Deadlines to opt-out of reinvestment will be available on the corresponding activity post for the investment. Please refer to these deadlines in order to plan requesting an opt-out of reinvestment accordingly.

Note: If the exit date on your Alpine Note investment is approaching, and you have not yet received a reminder email, please contact our team at

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