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Redeem an Alpine Note Principal Balance
Redeem an Alpine Note Principal Balance

You may use the principal on an Alpine Note to fund, as a payment method, to fund offerings on the platform.

Updated over a week ago

*New as of June 2024* โ€” We've added a new payment method for funding on the platform that is now available for applicable investments.

Short term note investments that have been funded for at least 30 days or more may be used as a payment method to fund a variety of offerings on the platform.

Offerings will show the portion of an Alpine Note Principal balance that may be redeemed into a new offering, provided the following criteria is true:

  • 30 days or more have passed since the original Short term note investment was funded.

  • The same investment account is being used to fund into the destination offering that was used to fund the original Short term note investment.

  • If the new destination is a Short term note, the original short term note investment will be of a different target hold.

  • The original Short term note investment must be in a funded state.

  • The original Short term note investment must not already be redeemed.

How to Fund using an Applicable Note Balance

Funding with an applicable Short term note balance is available at the Fund step of most offerings on the platform.

  1. Indicate an amount on the offering of your choosing:

    1. Indications of interest that match one, or a combination, of available note balances will be eligible for redemption.

    2. Indications of interest that are greater than one, or a combination, of available note balances will be eligible for redemption with the completion of funding from a secondary payment source.

    3. Indications of interest that are less than one, or a combination, of available note balances will not be eligible for redemption. However, indications may be updated to match any available note balance.

  2. Subscribe into the destination offering by downloaded and signing required documentation: Provide your Type-To-Sign signature on the required documents for the destination offering.

  3. Fund the destination offering with an available balance by selecting one or more principal note balances from the list of applicable source investments:

4. If a secondary payment method is required, select the funding method you would like to use on the new investment:

5. View your Investment Summary from the Invest page for the applicable destination offering: Funding sources used to fund into the offering will be listed at the top of the offering page.

What happens once an applicable note is redeemed?

Original Short term note investments will remain on the Keep tab of the Portfolio until the original maturity date is reached:

  1. "Investment Amount" on the Keep tab is now delineated by Original Investment Amount and Remaining Balance. Short term notes with a remaining balance, less than the original amount listed, have been used for a redemption.

  2. "Interest Earned" on the Keep tab is now delineated by Interest Earned and Interest Accruing, where "Interest Accruing" notates the amount of interest that is currently accruing from any part of remaining principal.

Once the original Short term note investment has fully matured, the investment will appear on the Exited tab with the associated metrics.

What portion of my original Short term note investment may be redeemed?

Each applicable Short term note balance may be redeemed, in the highest multiple of the unit cost on the destination offering. For example, if the cost per unit of a destination investment is $5,000, then an investment with a principal balance of $5071.00 can be used to fund $5,000 into the new offering?

What happens to remaining Principal Balances?

Remaining principal balances ("Remaining Balance") continue to accrue interest until their maturity date. These remaining balances will be automatically reinvested into the next note series.

What happens to remaining Interest Accruing?

Remaining interest that is accruing will continue to accrue until the maturity date of the original investment is reached. Once the maturity date of the investment is reached, this amount will be paid out in cash.

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